Andrew Thomas


Los Angeles, California, USA



Coaching SpecialtieS INCLUDE:

  • Young Children (0-4 y/o)
  • School-Age Children (5-12 y/o)

About This coach

Hi! I'm Andrew. Nice to meet you.

The honest truth is that for most of my life, I didn’t think about parenting or kids very much at all. I was too busy chasing my dreams. After graduating from Northwestern, I moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in writing for TV and Film. After years of working my way up through the ranks I broke through and became a writer, mostly for kids TV shows on Nickelodeon.


And then I became a dad. And suddenly I thought about parenting and kids a lot. I was confused, overwhelmed and lacking in confidence, especially as the challenges of raising a baby gave way to the even more confusing challenges of raising a human.


Enrolling at the Jai Institute for Parenting was an eye opener for me. Now I was informed on brain development, attachment science, and regulation. Now I had tools to turn to where before I was baffled. Learning about the many benefits of play for children was particularly exciting, as making kids laugh is useful in both of my careers.


Now I want to share everything I’ve learned with you. I want to help you become the parent you aspire to be. I can’t wait to hear from you.

What Makes THEM Special?

I come from a background of writing for kids TV, and I have found many applications for the silliness and fun that I cultivated in that career to be applied in parent coaching.

Ready to start parenting with peace and connection?

Contact Andrew Today!

What does it mean to be a Jai Certified Parent Coach?

The Jai's Transformational Parenting Process builds on:

  • Non-Violent Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Neuroplasticity
Learn More About The Jai Certification
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