Coaching SpecialtieS INCLUDE:
About This coach
A curious human being who loves to learn and reflect about human mind, emotions and behaviors. Mainly in deep thinking and playful mode around the question ''how to integrate body, mind and soul to live a fulfilling life''
• Founder of ''Uma Parenting''
• Mother of an amazing human being, and a cat who believes he is a tiger.
• Former Yoga Teacher (Adult, Children, Pregnancy)
• Former Accountant
• Lover of Paradoxes and Life!
What Makes THEM Special?
I am passionate about helping people to make sense of their unique history and moving forward to meaningful and aware living.
I am here to support you in your process of unlearning things that do not serve you and embodying new information which will bring meaning, peace, and joy to your parenting and your relationships.
Change is possible for everyone. Even it might seem hard, it is POSSIBLE. All I need from you is your willingness, no matter where you stand or see yourself as a parent. If there is a will, there is a way! We can do it together for you, for your child/ren, and your family!
A quote from Rumi that resonates with me:
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.’’
And this is the space where I stand and greet you in my coaching. And you are always welcome!
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