Holly Storm


Wheat Ridge, CO, USA



Coaching SpecialtieS INCLUDE:

  • Young Children (0-4 y/o)
  • School-Age Children (5-12 y/o)
  • Teenagers (13-18+ y/o)

About This coach

Welcome! I am Holly Storm with Harmony Parenting, based in Denver, Co.

As a parenting coach, I work with busy and stressed parents who want the best for their children and want to have fun and enjoy their parenting journey. Through my coaching, I help parents calm their nervous systems, connect authentically with their children and create a meaningful and trusted relationship that will last a lifetime.

My unique Calm, Connect, Create framework helps you navigate the challenges of your parenting journey and find the best path forward for your unique family.

  • First, you learn how to calm your nervous system so you are able to choose how you respond to your child in moments of frustration. 
  • You’ll then learn how to focus your feelings and take in how your child feels, creating space for authentic communication that builds a stronger connection. 
  • Finally, we’ll create a path for partnership with you and your child so that you can move forward in a way that honors each person’s needs and your family values. 

Contact me to start your journey to more peaceful parenting today!

What Makes THEM Special?

My own journey with anxiety plus two highly sensitive and strong-willed kiddos has provided the foundation I now use to help parents and teachers see their children's emotions as a key to unlock the path to trust, connection, and calm.

I am able to guide you with empathy and non-judgment, creating a safe and nurturing space for exploration and growth. Ultimately, my goal in working with you is to help you build a joyous, trusted and lasting relationship with your kids so that when they are older and in the thick of it, they won’t hesitate to call you for help. 

The transformation happens in the day-to-day. You learn how to handle any problems that arise confidentially. Instead of going into flight, fight or freeze mode, you can calm your nervous system and approach challenges mindfully. You’ll find more peace and ease every day. And you’ll connect with your kids in new and meaningful ways, having fun in the process.

Through Jai, Sacred Depths Life Coaching, and my continuing education in Nonviolent Communication and other modalities, I bring clients tools to open the door to feelings and allow them to be the guide in a gentle and loving way.

When I'm not connecting with my kids through Monopoly Deal, I can be found trail running with my husband, massaging kale for my salad, or snuggling with our fuzzy, black dog, Shadow.

Ready to start parenting with peace and connection?

Contact Holly Today!

What does it mean to be a Jai Certified Parent Coach?

The Jai's Transformational Parenting Process builds on:

  • Non-Violent Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Neuroplasticity
Learn More About The Jai Certification
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