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About This coach
Hello! I am a certified Motherhood Coach and mom of two sweet boys, my greatest teachers. My own story in motherhood is rooted in struggle. In my early years of mothering, struggle was the filter through which I interacted with and even saw my children. But as much as motherhood has been my greatest source of struggle, it has also been my greatest source of joy and my biggest wakeup call. Motherhood has literally been my path back to myself. On this journey, I discovered conscious parenting practices which shifted my entire experience as a mom, from one of struggle to peace.
My Philosophy
I believe that Motherhood is transformative. It is a portal for profound growth and for deep and lasting connectedness to your true self and your highest good. And to seeing and allowing for all of that in your children.
My Story
As every new mom does, I sought out information to support me in mothering, feeling wholly unprepared for the challenges and for the first time in my life, finding no amount of hard work helped. In fact, the more I tried my usual ways of set a goal/work hard/achieve the goal, the more frustrated and lost I became as a mom and person, especially once I chose to stay home full-time after our second son was born.
I had wanted to be a mom so badly it hurt. I had endured years of treatments and surgeries for endometriosis and "unexplained infertility", as well as a miscarriage, before getting pregnant via IVF with our first son.
All the perseverance paid off, I thought. Phew, I've got this.
Enter our sweet miracle baby. Everything I thought I knew went out the window, including every well-meaning but entirely irrelevant preconceived notion I had about how I would parent.
Anticipating another challenge to get pregnant, we went for baby number two right away, and were blessed to welcome our second son just shy of 20 months after our first.
I quit working to raise them myself.
We had our dream family.
I had my dream life.
Yet I spent the first few years of this dream life feeling stuck and lost.
My younger son, like our first, was slow to gain weight and nursing was a constant struggle. We went to a lot of appointments and my attention and energy was drained. Our older son spent a lot of time with dad and grandma, whom he loves, but our connection faltered. I didn't realize at the time that maybe we didn't even have much of a connection for all the ways I had fought against the realities of mothering a newborn with him.Then little brother started moving and getting into older brother's stuff. Enter the era of refereeing, I thought jokingly but honestly (and wearily).
These were some of my darkest days as a mama. I found myself enraged at my first sweet boy (still very much a baby at just two-and-a-half) when he lashed out at his little brother for stealing a toy or knocking down a block tower.
I had such anger inside me. I hauled him off to "time out" and yelled more than I can stomach when I think back.
I didn't know another way.
My reactions were just that: 100% reaction, 0% pause.
I hated myself every time.
I read book after book.
Maybe it's a boy thing and I don't know boys.
Maybe it's his delayed speech.
Maybe it's not the right punishment.
Maybe he's not sleeping enough.
Maybe he's manipulating us.
It had to be something I could fix IN HIM…but what was it??
Enter an enlightened, peaceful mama of two boys just a bit older than mine. An angel on my path.How do your boys get along so well? How do you survive the fighting? Does this get any easier? What am I doing wrong? I asked. We talked bigger picture and spiritual teachers - at the time I was reading a lot of Dr. Wayne Dyer, as was she. She mentioned a book called The Conscious Parent by Dr. Shefali Tsabary.
My life, and the life of my boys, was changed forever in this moment.
I spent the next couple of years studying conscious parenting practices on my own. My greatest ah-ha, which is at the core of conscious parenting, created a powerful shift within me which instantly rippled out to our family:
"To connect with your children, first connect with yourself." ~Dr. Shefali Tsabary
And so my path towards conscious, empowered parenting began. Now, as a certified Motherhood Coach, I am honored to help other moms find their way back to themselves and thereby create the environment for deep and meaningful connection with themselves and their children.
What Makes THEM Special?
Each one of our journey's into and within motherhood is unique and, I believe, has the power to transform us as women and human beings. My motherhood journey has included infertility struggles and pregnancy loss, transitioning from working mom to stay-at-home mom to mompreneur, homeschooling and alternative schooling choices, and healing patterns of overwork, overwhelm and overscheduling.
I am the mom of two sweet boys and motherhood has literally been my path back to myself. I help moms of young children harness the transformative power of motherhood and discover and walk their own path back to themselves and their wholeness, joy, and greatness - so they may allow the same for their children.
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