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About This coach
I am Miki Meadow.
I am an artist and a mama.
Singing and dancing make my heart glow.
Creating visual art is the portal to my inner knowing.
Traveling the world awakens my curiosity.
Spending time with my loved ones, water and nourishe my soul. I often wander in the nature to recharge and center myself.
These are some of my healing tools, they give me the courage to dance with my shadow. These are also reminders of how grateful I am to live a human life.
I am Japanese/Cantonese.
I am She/her.
I am the mother of a Divine being named Apiana Kai.
I am my ancestors’ wildest dream.
My journey started long before I was born...
When I was a young child, there were constant physical punishments, yelling, and violence in our house.
I was living in fear.
I couldn’t find safety in my home nor within myself.
My heart was feeling a lot of loneliness, grief, emptiness, and anger.
Most of all, these experiences created a voice inside me that said “I am not worthy of love.”
So I built a wall around my heart to keep her safe.
As I grew up, I told myself that I will never have kids of my own because I had so much fear for passing down what I was taught.
I was not confident, nor comfortable about raising my own child because I knew that my mother had gone through a painful childhood just like I did.
I knew that I was carrying the generational pain.
When I was pregnant with Apiana, she invited me to open my heart to love and break my heart open to vulnerability, so I could feel deeply and freely.
She calls me into healing my inner child.
She is my mirror, my teacher, my fellow traveler, and she is also my dearest baby.
This is when I found my passion for ‘healing through connection’.
Consciously choosing to build connection with my child instead of parenting over her. Consciously choosing to be the mother I want to be, not the one I was taught to be. Consciously choosing “love” instead of “fear”
Being a mother,
My child invites me to be in the present moment. To trust the unknown.
To be patient.
To listen.
To speak up.
To play.
To be silly.
To unearth.
To reconnect with my intuition.
To embrace the change.
To be in my body.
To express my feelings. To tend to my needs. To build a community. To draw boundaries.
To open my heart.
To learn and re-learn who I am.
It has been a challenging journey with grieving and witnessing the shame and guilt that reside in my heart, tending to my wounds, sitting with the loneliness, leaning into the pain, facing my fears overcast by doubt, loosing the sense of self, and constantly fighting the idea of “not enough” - not doing enough, not enough time, not enough energy.
Everyday, It takes courage to walk this journey.
I am also so grateful for this death and rebirth cycle, for my inner strength and bravery, for this deep love I feel in my heart, for my body, for laughter, for the reassurance and the reminder of who I am, for the opportunity to heal, for the give and receive, for my loving partner, for my circle of family and soul family, and for this beautiful experience to live an earthly life.
Within each challenging moment, I believe there is an opportunity for connection and healing. I believe that this parent-child connection is medicine to the future generation, to the people who came before us, and to ourselves.
What Makes THEM Special?
I have an understanding for multi cultural family because I am from Japan and Hong Kong, and I have been living in the United States for about 13 years.
I have also have an understanding for inter racial family because I am Asian and my husband is African American/Caucasian.
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