Casey Tabolt


Lowville, New York, USA



Coaching SpecialtieS INCLUDE:

  • Young Children (0-4 y/o)
  • School-Age Children (5-12 y/o)
  • Special Needs/NeuroDiversity
  • Divorced/Single/Co-Parenting/Blended Families

About This coach

Hello! My name is Casey. I am a single, homeschooling, neurodivergent, entrepreneurial mom of 2 beautiful neurodivergent children. I came to Jai and began my journey as a parenting coach after struggling for years to peaceful parent my children. I had read all the books, hired the coaches and still couldn't seem to get it "right." Even after suffering a medical trauma, completely changing my life and becoming an authentic motherhood coach I still felt like I was falling my kids. Then, in the span of a few short months, I received an ADHD and autism diagnosis for my son, enrolled in Jai, realized my own neurodivergence and completely changed the dynamic in our family.

I believe we get the children we need to grow as a human.

I believe that neurodiversity is the spice of life.

I believe authenticity is the only path to joyful motherhood.

I love all things nature (except the cold), being in and around water, reading, baking, crochet, CATS, finding beauty, supporting parents of neurodivergent children and last but certainly not least, spending time with my kids and seeing their eyes light with wonder.

What Makes THEM Special?

I am on a mission to support parents with neurodivergent children to confidently meet the needs of their children and help their children thrive as the beautifully unique humans they are, all while honoring themselves and actually ENJOYING this crazy ride.

I am a three time certified life and parenting coach specializing in helping parents with school age neurodivergent children. I am also a trauma informed coach and a brainspotting practitioner, supporting you to identify and heal past or present trauma that is impacting you and your relationships.

I am intimately aware of the unique challenges associated with not just motherhood but parenting a special needs child, parenting with a disability and with ADHD, divorce, co-parenting, homeschooling, working from home and parenting with trauma.

Ready to start parenting with peace and connection?

Contact Casey Today!

What does it mean to be a Jai Certified Parent Coach?

The Jai's Transformational Parenting Process builds on:

  • Non-Violent Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Neuroplasticity
Learn More About The Jai Certification
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